Hi, apologies if this is going over old ground but having read numerous posts on the correct use of ui-router and transitioning across states i’m getting more and more confused as to what expected behaviour should be.
In some parts of my app, calling $state.go(’^’) correctly reverses the left-right transition and traverses back up the history stack to display the correct view. This led me to assume that the $ionicViewService can intelligently look at the state being transitioned to and if it exists within history stack ‘reverse’ back to that state.
However, in other parts of my app, calling $state.go(’^.^’) to get to a state parent/parent state that is two or three levels back in the history stack actually goes ‘forward’ and creates a new entry in the history stack.
I am unable to find any documentation on $ionicViewService so have looked at the source code but i’m still a bit lost.
Is there an expected behaviour in regards to navigating through various levels of the history stack and is there any documentation I can read to ensure i’m using the nav-view concept correctly?