Trouble with Ng-Cordova

Hey Guys ,
Im having some trouble installing the Ng-cordova plugin , specifically the SQLite part.
Anyway I have linked the files in the Index.html double checked and then some more that the path is correct.
My issue is that when I add the ng-Cordova reference to my angular module in my app.js

angular.module(‘starter’, [‘ngCordova’, ‘ionic’, ‘starter.controllers’])

My app loads up , without error , however it appears to be loading the index.html , rather than the path defined by the app.js.

from the log i see it is loading this path

Finished load of: file:///Users/myuser/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/7.1/Applications/386226E9-1DE7-4850-8F65-6AF72A244760/

when without the reference to ng-cordova in the app modules it loads this path

