This seems strange and bugging me. (I’m starting to think maybe different people coded this).
We have an image on on ion-header ion-nav bar.
On a root page the menu shows up. We have are own style for the header image.
A lot of this ionic generates. This is me inspecting in a chrome.
The order the html is this.
ion toolbar
– div tool bar background
– div tool bar content
– div nav bar header (this is our class)
– button (this is ionic menu button)
– span
– ionic button
On some page we have what we all a sub page. On this ionic is shows the back button or cancel. This one does have the ion-nav bar. I’m surprised at how different this is then the ion-tool bar.
nav bar
toolbar background
toolbar content
–nav bar header (our class)
It seems like because the button is outside the toolbar content, it pushes the nav-bar off. We don’t have this problem on the toolbar. the button and the class are both in the content section so both play nice together.
Is this a bug?