Toast doesnt work with Loading?

So I make an http call. Before http call Loading is presented and when response comes (success or error) the loading is dismissed and Toast is displayed. Toast should last for 3 seconds, but that is not the case and it gets shown for .5 second. And only 1 time per page load.

How can I show Loading during HTTP call and how can I show toast after Loading is dismissed so it works??

Here is HTTP call

    this.presentLoading(); + '/api/v1/filters', obj, {headers: headers}).subscribe(data => {
      this.presentToast(data.json().success_message, 3000, "toast-success");
    }, err => {
      this.presentToast(err.json().error_message, 3000, "toast-error");

presentToast function

presentToast(msg, duration, cssClass) {
    let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
      message: msg,
      duration: duration,
      position: 'bottom',
      dismissOnPageChange: true,
      cssClass: cssClass

    toast.onDidDismiss(() => {
      // Do something



presentLoading() {
    this.loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
      content: 'Please wait...'




Defining loader

 export class Filter {

  public loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
    content: "Please wait.."

Getting the same issue. Toast does not work within .error or .catch . Any workaround yet ?

Problem is that toast and loading working asynchronously. And when you call this.loader.dismiss() you donā€™t wait for dismiss finish work and immediately call this.presentToast. That cause an error.

You need to use chaining promise. Your presentToast and presentLoading should return promise.

public presentToast(msg, duration, cssClass): Promise<any> {
    let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
      message: msg,
      duration: duration,
      position: 'bottom',
      dismissOnPageChange: true,
      cssClass: cssClass

    toast.onDidDismiss(() => {
      // Do something

    return toast.present();

And then something like this:

    .then(() => + '/api/v1/filters', obj, {headers: headers})).toPromise()
    .then(resp => resp.json())
    .then(data => {
        return this.loader.dismiss()
            .then(() => this.presentToast(data.success_message, 3000, "toast-success"));
    .catch(err => {
        return this.loader.dismiss()
            .then(() => this.presentToast(err.json().error_message, 3000, "toast-error"));

Also you need to chain this.loader.dismiss() in your presentLoading method.


unable to import ā€œLoadingControllerā€ from ā€˜ionic-angularā€™.

@snikh Thanks for your reply. I will try this out and get back with the feedback.


@snikh Still no success. Now I get this error.

What exactly did you mean by

ā€œAlso you need to chain this.loader.dismiss() in your presentLoading method.ā€ ??

This is how my presentLoading looks like after I edited it

presentLoading(): Promise<any> {
    this.loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
      content: 'Please wait...'



    return this.loader.present();

My bad. Sorry. Change

.then(() => + '/api/v1/filters', obj, {headers: headers})).toPromise()


.then(() => + '/api/v1/filters', obj, {headers: headers}).toPromise())

About presentLoading:
Are you sure, that this.loader.dismiss need to call every time? When loading not showed and you call this.loader.dismiss() - this may cause an error? If not, then

presentLoading(): Promise<any> {
    this.loader = this.loadingCtrl.create({
      content: 'Please wait...'

    return this.loader.dismiss()
        .then(() => this.loader.present());
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I made a change, but it still gives me the same error

Property 'toPromise' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'.

But also Phpstorm, gives a red color on .then with note "unresolved function or method then"

At the top of your ts file add

import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';
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