I have an issue on Android where the header title sits too far to the left when I use side=“left” to introduce buttons that are not on all pages. From the image attached you can see that the FAQ title sits sung against the back however Notifications has a larger gap
The html generated for the back button shows the left style to only be 36px.
<div class="title title-left header-item" style="left: 36px; right: 75px;">FAQ's</div>
compared to the home button which is 58px
<div class="title title-left header-item" style="left: 58px; right: 75px;">Notifications</div>
I introduce the home button on pages that do not have the back button. My app is structured uses the side menu where I have the app header:
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable app-header">
<ion-nav-buttons side="secondary">
<button class="button button-outline button-energized" menu-toggle="right">Menu</button>
And then in views where the back button does not appear but I want a home button to be visible
<ion-view hide-back-button="false">
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<a class="button button-clear button-energized icon-left ion-home" href="#/app"></a>
This issue seems to be that when left style is calculated for the home button scenario the use of the side=“left” generates a larger number.
I have tried styling the title via the ion-nav-title and using css to position a nested span relatively left -41px however this results in the title animation finishing then the 41px shift occurring, which does not look great.
Is there away to overwrite this style=“left: 58px; right: 75px;” being generated on the title so I can put in a custom size only on the page with the home button?