I have a question for you
So basically I understood how to hide the tabs on subpages when I am using push and everything is working fine.
I implemented a logout service to clean my pouchDB, disconnect from my server etc etc. When everything is ok I am supposed to redirect to the connection page.
However when I am trying to use the setRoot on my navcontroller I can see that the tabs still appears.
When I relaunch my app I am well redirected to the connection page as my credential are no more stored locally and the tabs bar do not appears.
The problem is only when I am deconnecting. And when I am reconnecting I have two tabs (one on the other) which is pretty uggly
To finish when I click on the tab from connection page I can display my tabs content but I am getting erros because I cannot reach my server as I am no more connected. However when I connect if I click on this tabs it disappear.
@speedflyer Unfortunately (I think) the NavController setRoot method will set the page under the innermost ion-nav (expected) or ion-tab (unexpected IMO). To handle that I created a service where I set the NavController related to my ion-nav and use push, pop and setRoot in it. Something similar to what I exposed in this post: