Tab template with side menus

Is it possible to do this? I have tried to do so but the messes up.

Hi Mike,

I had a lot of work to do it in my app but it’s working.

My tabs:

< ion-tabs class=“tabs-icon-top” ng-controller=“MenuCtrl as vm”>
< ion-tab title=“Eventos” icon-on=“icon customicon-calendar” icon-off=“icon customicon-calendar” ui-sref=“” >
< ion-nav-view name=“tab-events”>
</ ion-tab>
< ion-tab title=“Minha Conta” icon-on=“icon customicon-user” icon-off=“icon customicon-user” ng-click=“vm.goToMyAccount()”>
< ion-nav-view name=“tab-myaccount”>
</ ion-nav-view>
</ ion-tab>
</ ion-tabs>

my tab with side menu

< ion-view ng-controller=“HomeCtrl as vm”>
< ion-nav-title>
</ ion-nav-title>
< ion-nav-buttons side=“right”>
< button menu-toggle=“right” ng-click=“vm.toggleSideMenu()” class=“button button-icon icon ion-navicon”></ button>
</ ion-nav-buttons>
< ion-side-menus enable-menu-with-back-views=“true” >
< ion-side-menu-content>
< ion-content class=“has-header”>
< ion-list class=“table-view event-list” >
< ion-item class=“event-item” ng-repeat=“event in vm.Events”>
< div class=“info”>
< a class=“btn” ui-sref=“cart({Id: event.Id })”>Comprar
< b ng-bind-html=“event.Name”>
< span>{{vm.GetEventPeriod(event.StartDate,event.EndDate)}}</ span>
< span>{{event.Arena}}
</ div>
</ ion-item>
</ ion-list>

</ ion-side-menu-content>
< ion-side-menu side=“right” is-enabled=“true” width=“200” >
< ion-content has-header=“false”>
< ul class=“menu-right”>
< li ng-class=“{active: vm.Filter.GenreId==null}”>
< a ng-click=“vm.loadEventsByGenre(null)” >
< img src=“assets/images/cat0.png”>
< h2>Todos
</ a>
</ li>
</ ul>
</ ion-content>
</ ion-side-menu>
</ ion-side-menus>
</ ion-view>

take a look and let me know if it works for you
