SystemWebViewClient: CordovaWebViewClient.onReceivedError: Error code=-6 Description=net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED URL=https://localhost/index.html

This project is to be run in production

Current Enviroment → ionic 5.4.16, cordova 10.0.0, android 10, android SDK 30

Current problem ONLY happens in android 10. When using android 9 everything worked perfectly. I have tried to solve this for the past week without success…

What i have tried:

  • Adding <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true"> to the network_security_config.xml file && adding to the config.xml <application android:networkSecurityConfig="@xml/network_security_config" android:usesCleartextTraffic="true" />

  • Downgrading from WebView 5.0 → 1.2.1

  • Adding to config.xml <allow-navigation href="https://localhost:8080/*" />

  • Adding <allow-navigation href="schema:hostname/*" />
    -Removing WebView completely

All of those attempts returned the same error →

D/goldfish-address-space: allocate: Ask for block of size 0x7e9000
D/goldfish-address-space: allocate: ioctl allocate returned offset 0x3f668a000 size 0x7ea000
I/OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=986ms; Flags=1, IntendedVsync=42114730784721, Vsync=42114964118045, OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0, HandleInputStart=42114969715540, AnimationStart=42114969749540, PerformTraversalsStart=42114970247740, DrawStart=42115706164840, SyncQueued=42115707669940, SyncStart=42115743021840, IssueDrawCommandsStart=42115743408140, SwapBuffers=42115748139740, FrameCompleted=42115752801340, DequeueBufferDuration=603800, QueueBufferDuration=1707300, GpuCompleted=0,
I/Choreographer: Skipped 51 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
D/CordovaWebViewImpl: onPageDidNavigate(https://localhost/index.html)
D/PluginManager: postMessage: onPageStarted
D/SystemWebViewClient: CordovaWebViewClient.onReceivedError: Error code=-6 Description=net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED URL=https://localhost/index.html
D/PluginManager: postMessage: onReceivedError

Also tried only using →

    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">

Using the previous network_security_config.xml, gave me an additional error log after the CordovaWebViewClient error →

E/chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw
E/chromium: [] WARNING: tile memory limits exceeded, some content may not draw

Any help will be appreciated