Swipeable cards into the grid

Hi all,

The swipeable cards example is nice, but it does not use the Ionic grid system, therefore it is not really compatible across devices. How can I translate the codepen example in one using the grid?

I have tried to follow the grid formula and to follow @Calendee’s example in which the grid is used for images, but with no success. Can anyone help? @mhartington perhaps?


Hey @eric, so you want to replace the custom swipe cards to use the ionic grid system?

For that, you would wan to modify the directive in the js file.


Just a note : That was not “my” example. It was @mhartington. I just helped on getting the layout right. It’s pretty awesome looking.

Thanks both for the quick response!
@mhartington, my aim is of having a view with cards’ sizes proportional to the device on which the app is installed. As far as I understand, the swipe cards demo doesn’t guarantee that. If I am right, one solution I see is that of using the grid (which seems a bit complicated if I had to put hands on the js file). Do you see any smarter approach?

@eric did you ever resolve this? i am looking to do something similar now, and was just going to take a stab and “grid-ifying” the cards…wonder where you (or anyone in this thread) left off?