Stuck for 5 hours: Cannot read property $valid of undefined..(login form does not submit data)

To those who have been kind enough to suggest things. Thanks!

I was able to do just a quick fix that allows me to submit data into the form and gets rid of that Cannot read property '$valid' of undefined BUT now anyone can login simply by pushing the login button… Here’s the QUICK fix to get rid of that error.

BEFORE (did not work)

if ($scope.theLoginForm.$valid) {

alert(“Login Is Valid”);

AFTER (quick fix, but there’s not INVALID condition that kicks in)

if (true) {


have used this code in 2 other AngularJs projects and IT WORKS! The onSubmit function sends data to wherever I direct it to. In this case a simple console log or an alert. As simple as this sounds I have no clue why I can’t pull this off with this ionic form. I hope someone here can help… Here’s the issue in depth… :mask:

I have an ionic sidemenu app that I created via ionic start. I have been modifying it to fit my app and I am running into the following issue despite reading over similar errors all over stac overflow and google.

TypeError: Cannot read property '$valid' of undefined at Scope.$scope.onSubmit

I can’t seem to get it fix since the fixes suggested don’t seem to pertain to my problem. I have a suspicion that since my login3.html view is inside this kinda of .state syntax it possibly could not be passing the functions but then again that makes no sense?..


  .state('app.login3', {
      url: '/login3',
      views: {
        'menuContent': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/login3.html',
          controller: 'LoginCtrl'

The login.html below is the one that came with the scaffold ionic app and this one’s onSubmit function DOES WORK.

    .state('login', {
    url: '/login',
    templateUrl: 'templates/login.html',
    controller: 'LoginCtrl'

Now… The functions inside their controllers are completely different however I have used my own login functions and controller logic in other angular apps and I have no issue submitting data with them on my onSubmit functions.

I have thoroughly examined my code from my working login forms and it’s identical to the one I am using on this ionic login form. I was hoping someone could please take a peek at it and see if there’s something I am missing or perhaps it’s different under ionic?

The Login Form ‘in question’ login3.thml

<ion-view class="login-bg" view-title="Login3" name="login3-view">
  <ion-content class="padding">
    <form class="login-form" id="loginForm" ng-submit="theLoginForm.$valid && loginForm.onSubmit(loginForm)" novalidate="novalidate" name="theLoginForm">
        <div class="list input-fields"
          ng-class="{ 'has-error' : theLoginForm.username.$touched && theLoginForm.username.$invalid, 'has-success': theLoginForm.username.$touched && theLoginForm.username.$valid}">
            <label for="username" class="item item-input" id="signIn-psw-inputs">
            class="input-color signIn-input" 
         <p ng-show="theLoginForm.username.$invalid && !theLoginForm.username.$pristine"
            class="help-block">Username is Required!.></p>

          ng-class="{ 'has-error' : theLoginForm.password.$touched && theLoginForm.password.$invalid, 'has-success': theLoginForm.password.$touched && theLoginForm.password.$valid}">          
          <label for="password" class="item item-input" id="signIn-psw-inputs">
       <p ng-show="theLoginForm.password.$invalid && !theLoginForm.password.$pristine"
          class="help-block">Your Password is required!.</p><!--bootstrap form validation classes--> 
      <!--LOGIN button-->
        <a href="#" class="button button-block button-positive" id="sign-in-btn" ng-click="onSubmit()">login</a>


Here’s the LoginController code for this form submission

(function() { 
 'use strict';

    .controller('LoginCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
    $scope.loginForm ={}
    $scope.onSubmit = function () {
      if ($scope.theLoginForm.$valid) {
      alert("Login Is Valid");

      console.log("user will be logged into the command post")
      } else {
        alert("INVALID LOGIN");



Here’s my app.js with the .states code

///LOGIN TEST 3 is the one in question…

angular.module('starter', ['ionic', 'starter.controllers'])

.run(function($ionicPlatform) {
  $ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
    // Hide the accessory bar by default (remove this to show the accessory bar above the keyboard
    // for form inputs)
    if (window.cordova && window.cordova.plugins.Keyboard) {

    if (window.StatusBar) {
      // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    .state('app', {
    url: '/app',
    abstract: true,
    templateUrl: 'templates/menu.html',
    controller: 'AppCtrl'

    .state('login', {
    url: '/login',
    templateUrl: 'templates/login.html',
    controller: 'LoginCtrl'
//////LOGIN 3 TEST ////////
  .state('app.login3', {
      url: '/login3',
      views: {
        'menuContent': {
          templateUrl: 'templates/login3.html',
          controller: 'LoginCtrl'

The error…

enter image description here

I think is an issue with scope but I can’t find it. I hope this info helps. thanks again…

Your form and input should have a name attribute in order to be able to use $valid.

<form action="POST" name="inputForm">
  <input type="text" name="textInput" required>
  {{ inputForm.textInput.$valid }}

also make sure to add novalidate attribute for your form tag so that you can execute your own validation.

Thanks for seeing this and replying quickly. I am going to try what you suggested. I am just so confused since I’ve used this same exact form in 2 other projects I turned in and it works… So adding new stuff I dont get it haha but at this state I am willing to try any suggestion. Thanks again! :v:

In your code your are referencing ‘theLoginForm’ while the id of the is ‘loginForm’. Also add a name attribute with the same name.

If you noticed I do have a name for my form and novalidate novalidate="novalidate" name="theLoginForm"> … I amlso passing them in the

Thanks for chiming in Tom! I believe my form does have a name attribute… <form name="theLoginForm" ......

I got rid of the id name you mention… the issue persist. :frowning:

Did you manage to solve? I have a similar problem.