Structuring React apps

It’s nice to see that there is documentation for individual elements for React now. However, actually knowing how to structure an app is a bit difficult as the only reference is the conference app. When do I need to use IonPage, for example?

It seems like Ionic is very opinionated about structure.

What my app currently looks like using split-pane - its split into three

I just started messing around with @ionic/react also

Looks like they want ion-page wrapping “page” or “view” components

Can you post your code?

My app is a styleguide app that displays components. Its very basic so it is disappointing that using Ionic React is proving to be so difficult.

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <div id="app">
            <IonSplitPane contentId="main">
              {/*--  our side menu  --*/}
              <IonMenu menuId="main-menu">
                <IonHeader no-border>
                      <Link to="/button">Button</Link>
                      <Link to="/card">Card</Link>
                      <Link to="/checkbox">Checkbox</Link>
                      <Link to="/chip">Chip</Link>
              <IonPage id="main">
                <div className="@large:margin-left components-container">
                      render={props => {
                        return <h1>Choose a component</h1>;

                    <Route path="/button" component={Button} />
                    <Route path="/card" component={Card} />
                    <Route path="/checkbox" component={Checkbox} />
                    <Route path="/chip" component={Chip} />

export default App;

This is what I was told on Slack - it’s not clear to me how things should be done.

yes i have spent a lot of time looking at that app as well

I modified my app to have a tabs root page so my individual routes are there

class App extends Component {

  render() {
    return (
          <IonSplitPane contentId="main">
            <Menu />
            <IonPage id="main">
                <Route path="/" component={Tabs} />

export default App;

I have also been struggling with the topic of basic navigation in ionic React. I have not found any two examples alike. Is there any updated ‘best practice’ available, especially for tabs?

Here is what I have come up with

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Awesome, thank you! I found your other repo here very helpful as well, especially since I’m also using mobx state tree and not typescript.