Strange 'border' / vertical line on the right side of an input (Android)


Before I describe my problem, I will mention that I saw a similar problem here: [SOLVED] Ion-item question and "weird" android css
but that topic was “solved” because the OP solved the problem somehow, but he doesn’t know how.

I get a strange vertical line on the right side of the input. On browser(ionic serve) it works fine, but on Android device(Marshmallow) I get the strange “border” when I enter the editor:

input not activated:

input activated:

The way I got to this situation is:

  1. change background color in variables.scss:

$background-color: #272727;

  1. change primary color:

$colors: (
primary: #f2ff00,


The color of the right vertical line is of the primary color (a yellow).


Anyone? I might have to open an issue if nobody knows about this.

Have you found a solution? I am experiencing the same problem with ionic 2.1.0, though only on my android (v5.1) tablet, in the chrome browser these lines are not a problem.

I have this problem also with Android 4.3