Stop firing ngOnInit() after ionViewWillEnter()

I dont want to execute code inside

ngOnInit() {

so i want to go back to another page before that through


i m able to go to that page but still can see “done” text

i did this also but not working

ionViewWillEnter(): boolean{
  return false;

spontaneously, if I may, too me it sounds like a bad pattern to navigate in a page ngOnInit or ionViewWillEnter no? so you gonna display the user for a couple of milliseconds and then the page change automatically?

then what to do? i saw that ngOnInit() fired first then ionViewWillEnter(). so i did like this:

  //page access
  this.dataProvider.accessControl().then((response) => {
  if(response == true){

any other way? here accessControl checking storage that user is logged in or not.

I would use a Subject or BehaviorSubject in your provider and subscribe to it in app.component where I would actually trigger the redirect to root if the user hasn’t the right to navigate

yep, good option. i will try this too :slight_smile: