I know there are some topics about statusbar but my problem is it worked normale before
I moved to v1.0.0-beta.10 “hafnium-heron” · 2014-07-24. Now my statusbar text color doesn’t change to white anymore. I have a ionic dark background and with beta 9 the color was white but now its black!
I tried the statusbar tutorial on http://learn.ionicframework.com but it doesn’t work. I can’t change anything with this code. I tried to change the background color to red or something else but nothing is working.
Hmm, I know for apps I’ve tested, using this in a .run function sets the color to white.
if(window.StatusBar) {
// Set the statusbar to use the default style, tweak this to
// remove the status bar on iOS or change it to use white instead of dark colors.
i tried it again to test it. In my case window.StatusBar is not undefined. I connected with Safari to my iPhone and could work with the StatusBar Object. I could see all his functions like hide and show but nothing has any effect on my app.
I tried the same for Android. There I can hide and show the StatusBar when I debug it with DevTools. But this line StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("fff") or something like that didn’t have any effect.
@mhartington do you have any ideas? I tried exactly your code snippets. I tried also the tut on learn.ionicframework.com but it didn’t work for me.
@jeba do you have the plugin installed? Maybe thats the reason why your StatusBar Object is undefined
My header is dark and I have screenshots where the statusbar text (clock and this stuff) were white and so I recognized it. And now its black and so it don’t looks pretty well. I tried everything. All the statusbar stuff from @mhartington and I removed the statusbar plugin and added it again but nothing changed.
Hello, I have the problem with the StatusBar as well, I have tried EVERYTHING came into my mind, so please help, I know that there are two ways of doing it:
I have removed the ios platform and added it again several times, I have deleted ios.json several times as well, but still. Any help or advice are welcome!
PS: Also I have removed and added the plugin several times