I have full screen app developed for both ios and android using ionic.
I have <preference name="Fullscreen" value="true" />
on config.xml and
if (window.StatusBar) { // org.apache.cordova.statusbar required StatusBar.hide(); ionic.Platform.fullScreen(); } // StatusBar.styleDefault(); ionic.Platform.isFullScreen = true;
on app.js.
On the android device when i click on input text field to type something statusbar shows automatically. We i close the keyboard status bar still remains visible until i close it manually. How can i fix this. Please suggest me.
I have the same problem
Same problem.
Moving back to non fullscreen screws up all the input fields for some reason…
I fixed it by doing some workaround myself. Here is my solution. I hope it helps you guys.
if (ionic.Platform.isAndroid()) { window.addEventListener("native.hidekeyboard", function () { //show stuff on keyboard hide StatusBar.hide(); window.AndroidFullScreen.immersiveMode(false, false); }); }
add this code on app.js after the line
if (window.StatusBar) { StatusBar.hide(); ionic.Platform.fullScreen(); }
Reply this thread if you are still having this issue.
Krishna Karki
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