Hi all…I’ve been developing an android application…In my app after a set of pages upon clicking a button , I wanted the app to go back to the homepage… lets say my last page is order.ts
In my order.ts I put
import { Nav } from 'ionic-angular';
constructor(public nav: Nav)
and upon a button click
these are the changes I made and now when I try to open the order.ts … this shows up:
this is the first method I used… It displays the homepage but when I reach the homepage the sidemenu toggle doesnot work… nothing happens when i click the menu toggle…
thats why I’m trying a different approach
@robinyo I was not able to try out this.navCtrl.goToRoot(); … it gives typo error when i type this
but when I use this.navCtrl.popToRoot(); it goes back to the previous page
but the good thing there is no issue like the sidemenu not working etc…
can this this.navCtrl.popToRoot(); be used to go back to the homepage??