I would like to have 2 rows split vertically, the upper one is 30% of the page and holds an img, the lower one is 70% of the page and holds a div list.
How do I do that?
I would like to have 2 rows split vertically, the upper one is 30% of the page and holds an img, the lower one is 70% of the page and holds a div list.
How do I do that?
For that you can do the following:
–> set you ion-content to scroll-false (scroll=“false”) --> that will lock the scrollcontent of the ion-content
now you can put your image in.
after the image you can add the ion-scroll directive of ionic, that you can set to scroll vertically.
The triggy part of that is to calculate the correct heights of the container, because ion-scroll needs the px height.
SO you can try to use the attribute for dom-nodes element.clientHeight