Sort array by name

Hi Folks,

I am doing POC where i display contact details of the phone using ionic native contact plugin. Contact display is random there is no order.

How to sort them alphabetically, below is my code -

this.contacts.find(["displayName", "phoneNumbers"],
    {multiple: true, hasPhoneNumber: true }
    ).then((contacts) => {
      for (var i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
        if (contacts[i].displayName !== null) {
          var contact = {};
          contact["name"] = contacts[i].displayName;

This code above gives me contact names randomly , is there any way i can sort them.


try it :

 this.groupContacts = this.contactList.sort((a: any, b: any) => {
      if (a < b) {
        return -1;
      } else if (a > b) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;
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Didn’t work for me but @saidmrn thanks man. I got to solve this. :slightly_smiling_face:

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