I am using cordova-plugin-statusbar to control status bar show / hide for certain page.
It is working fine in android but having problem in IOS now.
While i try to use ionic.Platform.fullScreen() to hide the status bar, the status bar will hide first (for less than 1second I think) then show back and a bit overlap with my header.
Will any plugin installed will caused this?
Will any config setting will caused this?
I did try use a timeout with 100ms as per below but ends up the statusbar keep flashing there, seem somebody always try to show the statusbar again. Check through my controller there’s no such action…
$scope.hideStatusBar = function() {
if ($window.StatusBar && StatusBar.isVisible) {
$timeout($scope.hideStatusBar, 10);
You can hide your status bar using native xcode changes like below
In the project setting
Tick Hide Status Bar to true at bottom
Add new row View-controller based status bar with value no
Add this line to your config file and rebuild your app
<preference name="fullscreen" value="true" />