[SOLVED] Ionic Angular HTTP get not working in IOS

Hi guys,

I’m trying to fetch the source of an external URL with Angular $http:

This is an example:

I’m using $http.get(URL)

and the console with: ionic emulare ios -lc give me this:

0 372693 error “Cannot GET /hipertextual.com/2016/07/iron-man-mujer?paras=2\n”

in Android is working perfectly, this is my plugin list:

com.napolitano.cordova.plugin.intent 0.1.3 "IntentPlugin"
com.oauthio.plugins.oauthio 0.2.4 "OAuth.io"
cordova-plugin-compat 1.0.0 "Compat"
cordova-plugin-customurlscheme 4.2.0 "Custom URL scheme"
cordova-plugin-file 4.2.0 "File"
cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.5.1 "File Transfer"
cordova-plugin-http 1.1.0 "SSL Pinning"
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 1.4.0 "InAppBrowser"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 3.2.2 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.2.2 "Whitelist"
sk.kcorp.cordova.ios-security 0.3.0 “IOS Security”

This last plugin add this to my plist:



Still not working, does anyone have a clue?

Hello, I am having the same issue today, what is the work around to have it working ?