SocialSharing Facebook window empty without message

So I’m using social sharing plugin, and it works for twitter it shows a message to share, but not for facebook, if I specify an URL it shows the URL and if I add a message… it doesn’t show it.

So for facebook URL works, but no message in the share window.

  import {SocialSharing} from 'ionic-native';
  shareFb(message?: string){


<ion-icon name="logo-facebook" class="share-facebook" (click)="shareFb(message.description)"></ion-icon>  <ion-icon ios="logo-twitter" md="logo-twitter" (click)="shareTwitter(message.description)"></ion-icon>

I have tried to manually specify a string for the message and that didn’t work either. Any solutions to this?

So yeah pre-filling with text doesn’t work: