Social Sharing promise returning only false in Android

I am using Social sharing in my app.

It is working fine in iOS but in android it is returning only false.

Is that a bug ?

 this.socialSharing.share('Please tap the link to open it   ','Subject',null,path).then(succ=>{
                       console.log("Social Yes or No : ", succ);
                        if(succ == true){
                           console.log("User Success action ", succ);
                       console.log("User Cancelled action ", succ);
                      console.log("Social share error : ", err);

As far as I tested and understood it’s unfortunately like this :frowning:

But to be honest I would love to hear someone telling me I’m wrong!

Here I already discussed it, with an idea of workaround (use two different plugin, one for iOS and one for Android)

In my case I want to share through share sheet. not only facebook.

the plugin you are suggesting is for facebook.

yep then I’ve got no workaround

You can use shareVia(appName, message, subject, image, url) instead of share it currently works on Android.