I’m trying to create an image carousel with the slide boxes and I’ve got it working perfectly except the disable-scroll=false doesn’t do what I expected it to, in that I’m hoping to allow the user to be able to pinch to zoom in on the images (as you can on facebook and other similar apps), but in this case the view can’t be scrolled or zoomed.
Has anyone any ideas on how to solve this problem?
There has been an occasional post on the forum about pinch/zoom. Right now, I don’t know of any real solution. I’ve asked the devs and our new evangelist to provide some documentation on this.
No promises on a demo date though. He’s working hard on generating content right now.
Hi, I’ve done a little demo with Zynga Scroller and Ionic
Code is here : http://cdpn.io/CDatr and need improvement (I got shifts after zoom-in zoom-out)
Feel free to try and improve the code as well.
I’ve improved the code today, I have a pretty stable version : http://codepen.io/arnaud-f/pen/CDatr/
It indeed need some improvement (the code is a bit rough).