Since the Beta 4, my views don't update

Also note the user of NgZone here. This is a weird one, but since we are initially setting our items array to blank, and then (slightly) later setting it to whatever is in storage, our list won’t update. It’s already set and the Angular UI does not know that it needs to be updated. By running our load code inside of we are letting Angular know that the UI needs to be updated. If you do not do this, your list data won’t show up until you click or interact with the UI in some way.

Thank you I got more info.

But before the beta 4 I had not this weird one … I didn’t use NgZone and all worked fine.

I updated, my project, to the beta 4 without any changes and now Angular don’t know that the UI needs to be updated.
And not my project only, I tried with a tutorial project of Ionic2 and I got the same issue.