Sidemenu app with tab bar, list overlaps tabs

I started with a basic sidemenu app, and added a tab bar to one of the views. In each tab I plan to have a list of items. The problem I’m having is that the ionic-content in the ion-tab is going under the tab bar, so that part of it is hidden. I have tired adding has-header=“true” and has-tabs=“true”, but to no success. Below is my code and a screenshot depicting my problem.

<ion-view ng-controller="NewsController" view-title="{{name}}">
    <ion-tabs class="tabs-stable tabs-striped tabs-icon-top">

  <ion-tab title="News" icon-on="ion-ios-world" icon-off="ion-ios-world-outline" on-select="tab1()">
      <ion-content has-tabs="true">
      <!-- Tab 1 content -->
        <ion-list can-swipe="listCanSwipe">
          <ion-item ng-repeat="item in items">
              <h2>Item {{}}!</h2>
      <!-- End Tab 1 content -->

  <ion-tab title="Gurus" icon-on="ion-ios-people" icon-off="ion-ios-people-outline" style="padding-top:66px;" on-select="tab2()">
      <!-- Tab 1 content -->
      <!-- End Tab 1 content -->

  <ion-tab title="Insiders" icon-on="ion-ios-briefcase" icon-off="ion-ios-briefcase-outline" style="padding-top:66px;" on-select="tab3()">
      <!-- Tab 1 content -->
      <!-- End Tab 1 content -->


In the screenshot, the list is scrolled all the way to the bottom. As one can observe, Item 7 and Item 8 (which is completely hidden) are both not fully displayed.

hi ,

check this codepan how to use tabs