Side Menu with Navigation using router Demo

EDIT - Now that I’ve figured this out, I’ve moved this post to the demo’s section of the forum.

For those interested I have forked the seed project and updated the starter app to be a side menu with navigation. Its directly based off the [side menu example] (

Demo app has:

  • Left hand side menu
  • Each menu item renders a new partial when clicked
  • Has a nav router
  • has service returning json and controller
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Glad it worked, thanks!

looks like it breaks in this release of Ionic, v0.9.21 (ionic.js & ionic-angular.js). tried to upload a pic but new users can’t do that.

@Rick I just fixed the uploading thing, I’d love to see what you mean.

@Rick, if you are referring to the demo above, it’s because ui-router needs to be included. I just tried it out, that was the only big thing sticking out, and moving to ui router instead of ngRouter

I’m working on a couple of other things right now, but feel free to submit a pull request with the latest changes to router and I can merge that in.

thanks @max for the note, i’ll give your suggestion a try tomorrow. here’s the screen that I was getting when I tried the demo using v0.9.21. it does work properly when set to v0.9.17 - img attached

hmm, perhaps i don’t understand ui-router the best yet. am trying to convert over & can’t seem to get it working. error msg as follows “Error: Could not resolve ‘/about’ from state ‘’ at Object.transitionTo”.

hi @Rick, i’ve updated the project on github to work with the latest: v0.9.22. Its working fine in the browser but i haven’t tested on any device as yet.

I do seem to be seeing a js console error on clicking the menu button in the header but it still works. I’ll push an update if i can fix that but could be related too this issue


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Hi georgik,

it seems that the last release v0.9.23 fix the menu click error.
After i create a new project via ionic cli and add your code it works like a charm without any errors (okay cordova.js missing ;))

thanks for that navigation demo!

Sweet! Glad it worked @Ciraxis :smiley:

How to add image as navbar title

Updated repo again to use: nightly 0.10.0-alpha-1059 (2014-03-07)