Side menu is showing up in every page after the device width is greater than 990px

I am using ionic4/angular4. I have created a side drawer menu .so all the menu HTML is in app.component.html and I accessing it in only one page but don’t know why the menu is showing in every page when device width is greater than 990px

    <ion-menu side="end" size=small>
        <ion-toolbar color=primary>
          <ion-title style="font-size:15px;font-family:  DINPro-Bold;color:#FFBF00">
        <ion-list style="font-size:5px">
          <ion-menu-toggle auto-hide="false">
            <ion-item lines="none" routerLink="/profileedit">
              <ion-img src="../../assets/main_profile/edit.svg" slot="start"></ion-img>
              <ion-label style="font-family:  DINPro-Bold;font-size:12px">Edit Account</ion-label>
          <ion-menu-toggle auto-hide="false">
            <ion-item lines="none" routerLink="/profile">
              <ion-img src="../../assets/main_profile/tnc.svg" slot="start"></ion-img>
              <ion-label style="font-family:  DINPro-Bold;font-size:12px">T&C</ion-label>
          <ion-menu-toggle auto-hide="false">
            <ion-item lines="none" routerLink="/privacy">
              <ion-img src="../../assets/main_profile/policy.svg" slot="start"></ion-img>
              <ion-label style="font-family:  DINPro-Bold;font-size:12px">Privacy Policy</ion-label>
   <ion-router-outlet main></ion-router-outlet>

        <ion-menu-button class="ion-float-right"></ion-menu-button>

output is like until for IPAD device after that the device width is greater than iPad the output like this

i have used thats y for larger screens that output appeared like that.i commented that tag and it works like charm