Side Menu: How to put in controller in left view and update list view in side menu?

Hi, I need to create a left side menu where there is a list with items from json file. When I click on item, I need refresh this list with child item like a splitview. How to made this?


You could just use ng-if or ng-show. So when a list item is clicked, set a value to open the sublist.

<div class="list">
    <div class="item" ng-click="showSub1=true">Item 1</div>
    <div class="item child-item" ng-show="showSub1">Sub Item 1</div>
    <div class="item child-item" ng-show="showSub1">Sub Item 2</div>
    <div class="item" ng-click="showSub2=true">Item 2</div>
    <div class="item child-item" ng-show="showSub2">Sub Item 1</div>
    <div class="item child-item" ng-show="showSub2">Sub Item 2</div>


Hi, thank for your reply, but this if I already have the tree…I wish click on an item then this call Json to read children and see them into side menù like this ( categories ).

Seems like we’re working to the same thing, I attempted this by using nested views inside of the side menu but have come across some issue when it comes to the urls.

Have you find a solution?

Hi all,
Did anyone figure out how to implement the split view? I’m also looking to implement this for a project I’m working on.

Did you see these?

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How would we implement transition animations? I can only think in nganimate (.ng-enter,.ng-leave,…)