Sharing data between views - 3 levels

Hello, i’m using Ionic side menu, and i follow this formula for my static data. I’m having trouble to link my single page.

First level i show a list with all categories, then i show the items that belongs to the category clicked, now i want to show the single item.

This is my plunker:

Someone help me please. I tried a lot of things. I’m new to angular/ui router/ionic services/etc

EDIT: I got help on stackoverflow so i updated the plunker if anyone is interested.

your routes should like this

.state('app.playlists', {
      url: "/playlists",
      views: {
        'menuContent': {
          templateUrl: "playlists.html",
          controller: 'PlaylistsCtrl',
          resolve: {
            playlists: function(PlaylistsService) {
              return PlaylistsService.getPlaylists()
    .state('app.playlists.playlist', {
      url: "/:playlistId",
      views: {
        'menuContent': {
          templateUrl: "playlists.playlist.html",
          controller: 'PlaylistCtrl',
          resolve: {
            playlist: function($stateParams, PlaylistsService) {
              return PlaylistsService.getPlaylist($stateParams.playlistId)
    .state('app.playlists.playlist.single', {
      url: "/:singleId",
      views: {
        'menuContent': {
          templateUrl: "playlists.playlist.single.html",
          controller: 'SingleCtrl',
          resolve: {
            single: function($stateParams, PlaylistsService) {
              return PlaylistsService.getSingle($stateParams.singleId)

then you need to change templates to handle correct ui-sref

WOW you use ?

Please come back in 2015 marty :smile:

And I don’t understand where are your “singles” data in your PlaylistsService ?

Hello @bobrov1989, thanks for answer!

So, in my playlists.playlist.html i put ui-sref=“app.playlists.playlist.single({singleId:})” is this correct?

The following log: Error: Could not resolve ‘app.playlists.playlist.single’ from state ‘app.playlist’

@elSolo this is just for demo purpose… i just fork it.

First level i show a list with all categories, then i show the items that belongs to the category clicked, next i want to show only the single item. tks