I am using ionic beta-8 and ion-side-menu to create a side menu that is partially open as per http://codepen.io/mhartington/pen/oxuiH
I have a static list of menu items that is created with the following;
<ion-item nav-clear class="item-icon-left overview" menu-close href="#/app/overview">
<i class="icon ion-home"></i>
<ion-item nav-clear class="item-icon-left" menu-close href="#/app/upload">
<i class="icon ion-upload"></i>
I would like to have class in the side menu that indicates which is the currently active state.
I read in another forum post that we should use “ui-sref-active” however my attempts to do so were not successful.
How would I add active side menu item to the codepen above ?