Set a different root page on click of hardware back button

I am trying to set a different root page on pressing the hardware back button on a specific page, I am using this method this.platform.registerBackButtonAction to change the default action

Here is my use case:
This (image below) is MyProfile page (not a root page), where a user can toggle between 2 profiles (Free mode and Restricted Mode) and the user can also check Personal details (this navigates to a different page). The scenario here is when a user chooses any of the modes, and when the user goes back I want the user to land up in respective root pages (FreeMode and RestrictedMode). Now I have managed to set the root page when the user taps the back button on the NavBar.

This is my ts code.

import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController,Platform, Navbar , List} from 'ionic-angular';
import { ToastController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { NativeStorage } from '@ionic-native/native-storage';
import { FreeModePage } from '../free-mode/free-mode';
import { RestrictiedModePage } from '../restricted-mode/restricted-mode';
selector: 'page-profile',
templateUrl: 'profile.html'
export class ProfilePage {  
//@ViewChild(Content) content: Content;
@ViewChild(Navbar) navBar: Navbar;
@ViewChild(List) list: List;

public unregisterBackButtonAction: any;
  constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private nativeStorage : NativeStorage, private toastCtrl : ToastController, private platform : Platform,
  ) {
    this.navBar.backButtonClick = (e:UIEvent)=>{
      if(this.selectedProfile == 'FreeMode'){
        this.nativeStorage.setItem("userProfile", { userProfileType: this.selectedProfile });
      } if(this.selectedProfile == 'RestrictedMode'){
        this.nativeStorage.setItem("userProfile", { userProfileType: this.selectedProfile });
    return true;
     // this.navCtrl.pop();

   // this.scrollBottom();
 ionViewCanLeave() {
  //this.unregisterBackButtonAction && this.unregisterBackButtonAction();

      if(this.selectedProfile == 'FreeMode'){
        this.nativeStorage.setItem("userProfile", { userProfileType: this.selectedProfile });
      } if(this.selectedProfile == 'RestrictedMode'){
        this.nativeStorage.setItem("userProfile", { userProfileType: this.selectedProfile });
         // this.navCtrl.pop();
  }, 1); 

Now the real issue is, my hardware back button’s default action is blocked, but it doesn’t navigate and set the rootpage. That’s where I am stuck.

I also cannot use ionViewCanLeave() method as it will trigger and navigate to rootpage when I tap PersonalDetails link. Please help me out on this one.

@scorpion3 What is shown if you put a console.log() in the event?


    console.log('selectedProfile', this.selectedProfile);

    if (this.selectedProfile == 'FreeMode') {

First, see if the event is called. If it’s called, the log will show. Then, see if the value of selectedProfile is assigned and is valid (FreeMode or RestrictedMode).

You pointed it out correctly, I get undefined, any idea why that happens? how do I get access to those variables, also I cant even set a root page even that is undefined ex: if I do this this.navCtrl.setRoot(RestrictiedModePage); I get undefined for RestrictedModePage

@scorpion3 I highly recommend using lambda/arrow functions (those with => so that this is correctly scoped:

this.platform.registerBackButtonAction(event => {

    console.log('selectedProfile', this.selectedProfile);

    if (this.selectedProfile == 'FreeMode') {

Two factors influenced the introduction of arrow functions: shorter functions and non-binding of this.

More info:

About the undefined page, I don’t understand. Do you mean that the reference RestrictiedModePage is undefined, although you import it and your IDE/Editor show no errors?

Try to log it in your function:

console.log('RestrictiedModePage', RestrictiedModePage);

It should show a function in your browser console (because classes end up as javascript functions).

Are you using @IonicPage(). If you are, you should use a string instead of the class reference in the setRoot() and push() methods; if you aren’t, what you did should work.

Can you show your ts file (I don’t need the code inside the class, just the imports, the annotaions (@) until export class RestrictiedModePage ... {

Thanks a ton! I completely missed that, arrow function concept. It worked!