I generated a web version of my Ionic app using ionic build --prod, and then copied the www folder content to a subfolder called “appt” under the root of my Apache WebServer.
The app does not work because all references are set to /, so they resolve to http://myserver/ instead of http://myserver/appt.
After googling a while, I found the switches --base-href and --deploy-url, so now I am build the app using ionic build --prod --service-worker --base-href /appt --deploy-url /appt but problem persist, and the base tag remains as “/”.
The only workaround I’ve found is to manually edit the resulting index.html and manually adding the /appt part to all references, but obviously this is only a partial fix.
Am I missing something? For what I saw while googling, many people are facing this same problem.
This suggestion is working after changing the angular.json as suggested by rapropos
All pages / urls are working from root but could not open a page with its specific url
say if I try to open by typing the url “www.mywebsite.com/contact” gives ‘Not found’ error message.
But the same page is opening from root ‘www.mywebsite.com’
Is there any solution to fix it to work all pages open with its own url
so, that we can refer a particular page to some one.