I’m trying to add a search box in order to filter a list.
The search field should not scroll, that’s why I put it inside of the ion-header-bar.
The list that gets filtered is long so I want that to scroll, that’s why it’s inside the ion-content area.
Functionality works great, except for the fact that when I put the search box you can see on the screenshot inside the header (in order to not be part of the scrolling area), it overlaps with my list in the ion-content area.
I can put the search box inside my list in ion-content, that solves the overlapping problem, but then it scrolls with the search results and that’s what I want to avoid. Any idea how to avoid the overlap?
This is because of how has-subheader works. Right now when there’s a subheader in the view, we adjust the top value, which works okay, but if your subheader is bigger than 44px, the content gets overlapped.
In future release, we’re moving to flex box to solve this issue. But for right now, adjust the value of has-header to fit your needs or make a new class to apply to ion-content, has-big-subheader