Scrolling in ion-list lags when inside ion-view

So I noticed that my app feels laggy when deployed to my samsung s5. It felt just fine when testing with chrome/ripple.

To track down the problem, I made a new a bare-bone app that has only one view and the ion-list.

It lags when scrolling with either 5 or 50 items in the list.

I found out that for me, when the ion-list is by itself, it works just fine. But when I place it in a ion-view, even with only one view, the list scroll lags.

This one is smooth,

	<ion-list can-swipe="listCanSwipe">
		<ion-item ng-repeat="item in items">

			<button class="ion-minus-circled"></button>


But this one ‘lags’ when you scroll.

                <ion-list can-swipe="listCanSwipe">
                    <ion-item ng-repeat="item in items">

                        <button class="ion-minus-circled"></button>


I’m using cordova and ionic beta 14.