Scroll React

Trying to get scroll working in React with Ionic byt it wont work at all, no errors but list of cards i stuck.

class List extends Component<{ data: any }> {
  render() {
    const { data } = this.props;

    return (
          <IonToolbar color="primary">
   any) => {
              return (
                <IonCard key={}>

Any ideas?

Try wrapping your cards in <IonList> and see if that helps

Thanks for your suggestion but it does not change anything. Any other thought?

<IonContent class="scroll-content">

Does this help?

I have the same issue with no luck.

Can you show some code?

I checked back in my repo to see what I did but I cant see at first glance. I have set a custom style on my card like this. See if that helps.

<IonCard key={} style={{ zIndex: "1000" }}>

Try wrapping ur content first with IonPage

I don’t know if it was the correct way but I fix my issue the next way. I wrapped my tabs component into an IonToolbar and that into a IonFooter.
