Scroll problem after adding elements dynamically

I have a problem with resizing of the screen in case of dynamically adding elements on the screen.
For better understanding see demo (sorry about the quality):

I have form with many inputs. Some of them are hidden before other inputs are filled. On the top of the ion-content is input field for “Předmět” (remember that).
When I choose item from input called “Klient”, there will be shown new select field called “Spis”. When I choose “Spis” there will be 2 new selects for “Zodpovědná osoba” and “Zadavatel”.

When I click on the textarea (field “Popis”), keyboard shows. Now something has changed and I can’t scroll to the top of the screen and I can’t see “Předmět” input field. Height of the screen is different than before, I tried to call resize of the screen ($ionicScrollDelegate.resize()), but it doesn’t help.

My tip why this doesn’t work correctly is, that there is a problem because Keyboard plugin computed coordinates for translation and after resizing of the screen, coordinates from Keyboard plugin doesn’t change. Do you know how to solve it?

I hope that I explicated problem correctly, but it’s quite complicated to describe.