Point of failure is $scope.sideMenuController.toggleLeft(); I’m getting sideMenuController is undefined.
Here’s the codepen, if you pull up the console and click the top left button you can recreate. I can see sideMenuController under $scope->$$ChildHead->sideMenuController
The mystate.html file is the same as the ionic example. The menu works fine, but cannot call sideMenuController as it’s undefined. (This is also a similar problem with many other built in ionic stuff being undefined). So how can I fix the issue without adding a function to my state, instead opting for the controller.
I don’t think the docs have quite caught up with the beta release.
As of Beta 1.0.0 you can (or perhaps should?) use: $ionicSideMenuDelegate, like so:
.controller('MenuController', function ($scope, $state, $location, $ionicSideMenuDelegate, MenuService) {
// toggle the left menu
$scope.toggleLeftSideMenu = function() {