I want to scan a QR code whith is on image from the gallery.
p.s: not by camera but as choosing a folder from galery
Interesting problem.
The usual plugins and libraries all only provide a method to actually take a picture that contains a QR code. This is because the scanning is already part of the underlying library and native implementation, so they can’t really offer a “decode QR code in this image” exactly.
Can you test the image you have on here if this works:
https://webqr.com/ (note the photo camera button on the top right)
Here is a JavaScript port of ZXing. I think you could use this to decode from an image that you write to a <canvas>
This is the method I wanted. How can I add this to my application. => https://webqr.com/
webqr.com is actually an implementation of https://github.com/LazarSoft/jsqrcode which @rapropos also posted. So you can probably use this in your app.
There are multiple Angular versions of jsqrcode out there, unfortunately all I could find are for AngularJS and so for Ionic 1:
But I’m sure you can adapt these or if you search a bit more one for Angular will turn up.
Can you please any one help me to solve the QR code issue