Save json fetched image to camera roll?

hi, im developing an app for memes and funny stuff that people can share online, but i havent find a way to save the images to the camera roll using a button, i tried cordova-file-transfer plugin but it doesnt work… attached is a screenshot of what i want, that when i press the download button it saves to camera roll (note the image is the featured image on a wordpress site fetched with json)

the image json attribute for the image url is {{item.mobiconnector_feature_image.mobiconnector_large}}

any advice would be great



anyone, or is the a way to do the same with long press?



You need to download as you did with cordova-file-transfer and once the file is saved locally you must update the Gallery/Camera roll to reflex the changes.

You can use this plugin for both, android and iOS.

the problem is with the cordova-file-transfer it doesnt do anything, it looks it doesnt work for me