Sass Error The map color `light` is not defined

While upgrading to RC3, I have run into this issue when trying to use ionic serve. The build seems to think that a color variable is missing when clearly it is not.

Sass Error
The map color light is not defined. Please make sure the color exists in your $colors map. For example: $colors: ( light: #327eff );

but my color function cleary has this in it.

 $colors: (
  light:      #f4f4f4,
  primary:    #06D3CA,
  secondary:  #32db64,
  danger:     #f53d3d,
  dark:       #222222,
  favorite:   #69BB7B,
  background: #314655,
  error:      #E0343D,
  button:     #387ef5,
  title:      #262626,
  description: #4A4A4A,
  border: rgba(38,38,38,.1),
  name: rgba(38,38,38,.7)

I tried adding a second light variable, and it catches duplicates, so its reading the function.

Ionic Framework: 2.0.0-rc.3
Ionic Native: 2.2.3
Ionic App Scripts: 0.0.45
Angular Core: 2.1.1
Angular Compiler CLI: 2.1.1
Node: 6.1.0
OS Platform: macOS Sierra
Navigator Platform: MacIntel
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.98 Safari/537.36

Turns out with the update to RC3, they no longer support having more than one function. I had both a color function and a fonts function listed in my sass file, and that cause the error.


$fonts: (
  primary: "SFNFRegular",
  light: "SFNFThin"
$colors: (
  primary:     #06D3CA,
  secondary:   #32db64,
  danger:      #f53d3d,
  dark:        #222,
  favorite:    #69BB7B,
  background:  #314655,
  error:       #E0343D,
  button:      #387ef5,
  title:       #262626,
  description: #4A4A4A,
  light:       #f4f4f4,

This is no longer allowed. I would appreciate this as a feature though in the future.