Same Code But Different Views in IOS & Android

Bottom Buttons are not wieght as expected in Android Device.

Code :


    <img src="assets/imgs/logo.png"/>

        Nine Inch Nails Live
        The most popular industrial group ever, and largely responsible for bringing the music to a mass audience.

    <ion-row no-padding>
        <button ion-button clear small color="danger" icon-start>
          <ion-icon name='star'></ion-icon>
      <ion-col text-center>
        <button ion-button clear small color="danger" icon-start>
          <ion-icon name='musical-notes'></ion-icon>
      <ion-col text-right>
        <button ion-button clear small color="danger" icon-start>
          <ion-icon name='share-alt'></ion-icon>


You should follow the proper ionic grid system.

1 of 2 2 of 2 1 of 3 2 of 3 3 of 3

I am new to ionic , do you have any link or resources . It might be helpfull for me .

Dear you can learn from ionic official link for understanding

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