As you can see, my ion-header is under/overlay by the statusbar and the notch.
I have tried --ion-safe-area-top but it seems equal to 0 with iphone13…
If someone has a answer… please
@Hills90210 is right. Please move the <ion-header> out of the <ion-content>.
The only time you are allowed to put the header into the content is when you use the large title header.
You should also wrap the <ion-button> into a <ion-buttons> container:
<ion-toolbar mode="ios" color="primary">
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-button fill="clear" id="parameters-button" (click)="onGoToParameters()">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="settings-outline"></ion-icon>
<!-- your subheader here -->
<ion-content *ngIf="(currentUser$ | async) as currentUser" class="page">
<!-- content here -->
In my case I’m running a web app on iPhone X, I’m trying to add a padding on top to push my body to the safe area using the safe area css attributes of Webkit padding-top: constant(safe-area-inset-top); and padding-top: env(safe-area-inset-top);. However the web view doesn’t evaluate correctly these attributes and it’s always set to 0. What should I dod to make it work ! code :
body {
padding-top: 44px;
padding-top: constant(safe-area-inset-top);
padding-top: env(safe-area-inset-top);
Hello friends, everything okay? I am having a problem, specifically with Android 7 on a Motorola Moto E Plus device. The strange thing is that sometimes the header appears correctly and other times it is cut off. When I try to apply the solutions posted here, it doesn’t work. Can anyone give me any more tips?