Error: Module /Users/michael/Repos/covve.Ionic2/src/userprofile/models/user-profile.model.ts does not export IImmutableUserProfile (imported by /Users/michael/Repos/covve.Ionic2/src/userprofile/components/user-profile-editor/user-profile-editor.component.ts
But in user-profile.model.ts I have the below code:
Believe its related to how the app is configured to build (tsconfig), and it tries to compile stuff that has already been compiled (like generated d.ts files).
Solved mine by setting outDir to “dist/” and then having the npm task that builds first remove that directory beforehand:
“build”: "rm -rf dist && … ".
The “three shaken file” I’ve placed in dist/bundles/build.js.
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I cannot get it to work.
Did you just define a outDir in tsconfig.json? Because for me it has no effect.
I also tried setting declaration to false, but still no joy.