I’m trying work with tabs but i can’t undertand the behavior of the tabs. My page has the follow html:
<ion-tabs class="tabs-positive tabs-icon-top" tabsPlacement="bottom">
<ion-tab title="Produtos" icon-on="ion-ios-list" icon-off="ion-ios-list-outline" href="#/produtosPedido">
<ion-tab title="Pagamento" icon-on="ion-social-usd" icon-off="ion-social-usd-outline">
<ion-tab title="Confirmar" icon-on="ion-ios-checkmark" icon-off="ion-ios-checkmark-outline">
The problem is that the active tab “#/produtosPedido” is hidding the content of the tab and show only the content of “#/produtosPedido”. In some way the “#/produtosPedido” is no visible inside the tab. Is there any tutorial to work with tabs inside the Creator ionic?