Right now it doesn’t. Since our target is mobile/tablet apps, we made the grid system pretty simple. Bootstraps grid is pretty in-depth to cover desktop/table/phones and everything in between.
Plus since our grid system is based on flex-box, its not too complicated to role your own grid, which is more ideal anyways. This way your grid will fit your content and not the other way around
A good resource to use if you need to play with flex-box is this one
I agree having a responsive grid native to Ionic is more than ideal - but this custom Bootstrap build is only 1000 lines and gives you everything you need to start supporting all devices immediately with seemingly no conflicts.
For anyone wondering how to use Bootstrap grid inside of flexbox:
Ionic’s grid is simple, small and easy to use. The features it has now seems to be working for many of the types of apps users are building with it. In the case where an app does require something more complicated and needs to support IE8, then they can always import the 1000 lines of code for their individual app.
I know this is an old thread, but this might help someone. I tried using the bootstrap grid as suggested here, and it did not work well. Bootstrap doesn’t play well with flex elements, and the ionic css doesn’t work well with block layout.
So I rolled my own responsive flex grid, which, as suggested was really easy. Here is the scss code…
I use very few ionic components, mostly <ion-content>s wrapped into AM’s <md-content>s, to get native scrollable screen areas when required.
Ionic provides me with the native-like performance, the build system, and mobile OS packaging. And it’s brilliant at it.
My first Ionic-based project is for desktop first. The UI elements provided by Ionic look very good, but I just went with angular-material all the way because of time constraints, and there seems to be no conflict, except for a known and fixable tap events issue I’ve read about, but which I don’t experience myself.