Resolution of Camera in PWA Elements

I use Capacitor/Camera with PWA Eements.

The resolution of Photo is only 640x480. I need a maximum possible resolution.

I tested and found out, that the resolution can be set in costrants by camera initialization.

in Camera.tsx for example:

async componentDidLoad() {
    this.defaultConstraints = {
      video: {
        facingMode: this.facingMode

    // Figure out how many cameras we have
    await this.queryDevices();
    const maxResolutionConstraints = await this.getMaxPhotoResolutionConstraints();
    // Initialize the camera
    await this.initCamera(maxResolutionConstraints);

async getMaxPhotoResolutionConstraints() {
    const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(Object.assign({ video: true, audio: false }, this.defaultConstraints));
    const track = stream && stream.getTracks()[0];
    const capabilities = track && track.getCapabilities();
    return {
      video: {
        facingMode: this.facingMode,
        width: { exact: capabilities.width.max },
        height: { exact: capabilities.height.max },

Is it possible to improve this component and to add input properties with maximum width and height or a maximum possible resolution?

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