Removing highlight border from input

hi , I am trying to remove the highlight from an input


   <ion-input value="" type="text" placeholder="Add a comment..."></ion-input>
   <button ion-button clear item-right (click)="send()">POST</button>


I also added this in .scss:

 $text-input-md-show-success-highlight:  false;
 $text-input-md-show-error-highlight:  false;

but it doesn’t take effect unless if I remove ion-item but then I cannot align the button POST


 <ion-input value="" type="text" placeholder="Add a comment..."></ion-input>
  <button ion-button clear item-right (click)="send()">POST</button>


Did you use Developer Tools Inspect to find out where the “highlight” is actually applied to?

when I click on the input, this appears in styles

  .input-cover {
        display: none;

when I disable display the hightlight disappears… but dont know how to do it in the .scss file

if your ion-input in the ion-item
you can use this :slight_smile: :

for ionic v4

ion-item {
–highlight-color-focused: none;

may i help you

.item-interactive {

--highlight-background: unset;


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