I want to remove the margin from an element.this margin is generated by ionic this is the element where I want to remove the margin from :
the current page is page-table-view it’s the subpage of page-board
I tried to remove the margin with this code :
if (document.querySelector('.scroll-content')) {
this.scrollContentElements = document.querySelectorAll('.scroll-content');
if (this.scrollContentElements) {
this.scrollContentElements[1].style.marginTop = '0';
this.scrollContentElements[1].style.marginBottom = '0';
when I do console.log(this.scrollContentElements)
I find this
outerHTML:"<div class="scroll-content" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">↵↵</div>"
but no changement in the view
how can I solve this issue ?
changing the css like this
.scroll-content {
margin-top:0px !important;
change this view but also change all the views