Reduce margin between elements inside a card?

I have a card with some elements displayed inside of it:

    <ion-card *ngFor="let card of cards">
        <ion-icon name="{{card.icon}}" item-start class="albums-icon"></ion-icon>
        <ion-badge item-end>{{card.punctuation}}</ion-badge>

I want to know how to decrease the margin generated between this elements

        <ion-icon name="{{card.icon}}" item-start class="albums-icon"></ion-icon>

you have to write:

      <ion-card-content no-padding>
                    //your content hear

That doesn’t works at all

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first thing how you know it is margin or padding.

try to set style attribute within it set style=“margin:0px”

I know because i modified it in CSS through the inspector device