Reactjs Video record with Camera

hi community, i am using Reactjs and Capacitor to develop Android and iOS versions. as part of the app i need to implement a “20 second medium/low quality video clip capture” screen using the device camera.

  1. i use Capacitor camera plugin to capture photos, but the API does not show much about Videos! does it support?

  2. if the Capacitor camera does not support, what is the recommended way or mix of technology or npm modules i should try? any links how-tos are greatly appreciated.

What I’m trying to accomplish is very similar to WhatsApp video attachment feature.


i dont see a solution in this? it’s a player right? i’m trying to capture a 20 second video clip from the camera.

The plugin you are using is not for video so you need to add another plugin.

You asked for video capture capability, and I posted a solution for you. They even have a demo of it for react.

you can use an input with type file with capture attribute

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